Nyt fra Bestyrelsen – marts 2020
For English version, see below.
! Nævnte fremtidige aktiviteter kan blive flyttet grundet Coronavirus / covid-19.
Mere lys i trapperum til cykelkælderen
I løbet af foråret vil bestyrelsen og funktionærerne arbejde på at få mere lys i trapperummene ned til cykelkældrene. Formålet med ændringen er at skabe mere tryghed og sikkerhed ved nedgangen til cykelkælderen om aftenen.
Aktiviteten er et led i bestyrelsens arbejde med indretning af gården.
Forureningsundersøgelse i gården
Region Hovedstaden har kortlagt en del af Aksel Møllers Have 2, 2B, 2C, 4 og Godthåbsvej 35-41 som muligt forurenet (det lille grønne areal ved huset i gården). Der ligger en nedgravet lukket olietank, der er tømt og fyldt op med sand.
Bestyrelsen har besluttet pga. regionens kortlægning at få undersøgt arealet for forurening.
I marts vil der ske en bestigelse af et af regionen udpeget rådgivende ingeniørfirma med henblik på at tilrettelægge forureningsundersøgelse. I 2 kvartal vil der løbende blive taget prøver til analyser. I 3. kvartal 2020 vil bestyrelsen modtage en teknisk rapport og regionens vurdering af resultatet.
Da bestyrelsen i skrivende stund ikke ved, hvordan undersøgelse bliver foretaget, kan bestyrelsen heller ikke for indeværende fortælle om eventuelle påvirkninger for beboere mv. Hvis påvirkninger, vil bestyrelsen sørge for information.
Fastelavn d. 23. feb.
Koldt og blæsende, men igen et super hyggeligt arrangement med et godt fremmøde. Vi var omkring 40 beboere, og der blev gået til den – af både store og små. Det var skønt at se, hvor mange beboere der også mødte til en kop kaffe og en snak med naboerne. Tusind tak til Anni og Gurli for at bage kager til arrangementet.
Qvortrup Administration er flyttet
Vores administrationsselskab, Qvortrup Administration A/S, er flyttet til mere tidssvarende kontormiljø.
Administrationens nye adresse er: Lyngbyvej 28, 2. tv., 2100 København Ø.
Den nye adresse ligger i ca. 6 min. gåafstand fra Vibenshus Runddel, hvis metrostation ligger på den ny cityringlinje sammen med Aksel Møllers Have St.
Næste bestyrelsesmøde er planlagt til den 25. marts 2020.
News from The Board – March 2020
! Mentioned future activities may be moved due to Coronavirus / covid-19.
More light in the stairwell to the bicycle basement
During the spring, the Board and Caretakers will work to get more light in the stairwells to the bicycle basements. The purpose of the change is to create more security and safety in the stairwells to the bicycle basements in the evening.
The activity is part of the Board’s work on the layout of the courtyard.
Pollution investigation in the yard
The Region Hovedstaden has mapped out part of Aksel Møllers Have 2, 2B, 2C, 4 and Godthåbsvej 35-41 as possible soil polluted (the small green area by the house in the courtyard). There is a buried closed oil tank that is emptied and filled with sand.
Due to the Region’s mapping, the Board has decided to investigate the area for pollution.
In March, an advisory engineering firm appointed by the Region will be commissioned to organize a pollution study. During the second quarter, samples will be taken continuously for analysis. In the third quarter of 2020, the Board will receive a technical report and the region’s assessment of the result.
At the time of writing, the Board does not know how the investigation is conduct, nor can the Board at present give info on any possible impact of the investigation on residents, etc. If influences, the board will provide information.
Fastelavn – February 23rd
Cold and windy, but again a super cozy arrangement with a good attendance. We were about 40 residents, and they went to it – both big and small. It was nice to see how many residents also showed for a cup of coffee and a chat with the neighbors. A thousand thanks to Anni and Gurli for baking cakes for the event.
Qvortrup Administration has moved
Our administration company, Qvortrup Administration A/S, has moved to a more modern office environment.
The administration’s new address is: Lyngbyvej 28, 2nd TV, 2100 Copenhagen Ø.
The new address is approx. 6 min. walking distance from Vibenshus Runddel, whose metro station is on the new city ring line along with Aksel Møllers Have St.
The next board meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2020.
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