Nyt fra Bestyrelsen – december 2020

For English version, see below.

Ildslukkere i opgange
Som led i bestyrelsens arbejde med brandsikkerhed vil der blive opsat 6 kg ildslukker i hver opgang ved postkasserne. Opsætningen gør det muligt at have slukningsudstyr ved hånden, så beboer har mulighed for at slukke mindre brand, inden branden spreder sig.
Arbejdet vil foregå de kommende måneder.

Hensatte genstande på køkkentrapperne forbudt
Bestyrelsen vil erindre om at det er forbudt at hensatte diverse genstande af hensyn til brandsikkerhed og fri og sikker færden i opgangene. Hensatte genstande fjernes uden ansvar for ejerforeningen.

Skønsmanden har meldt, han er forsinket med skønsrapporten bl.a. pga. kompleksiteten af spørgsmålene.
I skrivende stund afventer bestyrelsen skønsrapporten.

Kontrakt om levering af internet fornyet – rabat på routerkøb
Ejerforeningens kontrakt med Fiberby om levering af internet er fornyet med 3 år.
Fornyelsen for brugerne betyder, som det eneste, at prisen stiger 5 kr. pr. måned.
Prisforhøjelsen træder først i kraft pr. 1/4 2021. Stigningen, som Fiberby gennemførte for deres øvrige boligforeningskunder for et år siden, sker altså først til næste år for abonnenter i ejerforeningen.
Prisstigningen reguleres automatisk af Fiberby.

Internetforbindelsens kvalitet kan afhænge af din router. Fiberby giver 200 kr. til rabat på køb af router hos dem frem til og med 31/3 2021 via Fiberbys webshop eller ved telefonkøb. Brug koden: Godthåbshave.

Internetabonnement med Fiberby er alene et forhold mellem abonnent og Fiberby, hvorfor abonnenten altid skal kontakte med Fiberby for sit abonnement og sin internetforbindelse.

Gratis centrifugering
Bestyrelsen vil erindre om at det er muligt at centrifugere gratis på program 9 på vaskemaskinerne i vaskerierne.

Denne ordning blev etableret i forbindelse med en tidligere bestyrelse valgte af udfase stand-alone centrifugerne. Den sidste centrifuge i vaskeri 2 af oprindelig i alt 3 er nu stået af og fjernet.

Tinglysning af vedtægtsændringer
Generalforsamlingen i 2019 vedtog en række vedtægtsændringer.
AMH EjendomsInvest ApS, der ejer erhvervslejlighederne på Godthåbsvej , har stævnet Ejerforeningen med påstand om ændring af vedtægternes § 23.4 er ugyldig, hvis Tinglysningsretten accepterer vedtægtsændringen. Tinglysningsretten har tinglyst vedtægtsændringerne, som vedtaget på generalforsamlingerne 4/4-2019 og 13/5-2019. Af proceduremæssige årsager har RETTEN PÅ FREDERIKSBERG givet stævner ret, hvorfor bestyrelsen vælger at aflyse ændring af vedtægternes § 23.4.
Når aflysningen er sket, fremsendes sammenskrevet vedtægter til medlemmerne.

Arbejdsudvalget for altanprojektet efterlyste i forrige nyhedsbrev kræfter til at bidrage til fremdriften i arbejdet. Bestyrelsen har modtaget en række henvendelser, og personer er inviteret til inddragelsesmøde primo december i år.

Funktionærerne kan træffes på sædvanlige tidspunkter mandag, tirsdag og onsdag mellem jul og nytår.

Juledagene er typisk højtid for indbrud. Derfor vil bestyrelsen opfordre til, at alle holder ekstra øje med eventuelle uregelmæssigheder i opgange og øvrige fællesarealer.

Bestyrelsen ønsker alle en glædelig jul og godt nytår.


Næste bestyrelsesmøde er planlagt til den 14. januar 2021.

News from The Board – December 2020

Fire extinguishers in stairwells
As part of the Board’s work with fire safety, 6 kg fire extinguisher will be installed in each stairwell next to the mailboxes. The setup makes it possible to have extinguishing equipment on hand, so that the resident has the opportunity to extinguish a small fire before the fire spreads.
The work will take place in the coming months.

Provisions on the kitchen stairs prohibited
The Board will recall that it is forbidden to leave various objects for reasons of fire safety and free and safe movement in the stairwells. Reserved items are removed without liability to the Owners Association.

The Drainpipe project
The appraiser has reported that he is late with the appraisal report, among other things due to the complexity of the questions.
At the time of writing, the Board is awaiting the appraisal report.

Contract for delivery of internet renewed – discount on router purchases
The Owners’ Association’s contract with Fiberby for the delivery of internet has been renewed for 3 years.
The renewal for the users means, as the only thing, that the price increases DKK 5 per month.
The price increase will not take effect until 1/4 2021. The increase that Fiberby carried out for their other housing association customers a year ago will not take place until next year for subscribers in the Owners’ Association.
The price increase is automatically regulated by Fiberby.

The quality of your internet connection may depend on your router. Fiberby gives DKK 200 for a discount on the purchase of a router at Fiberby from now and until and including 31/3 2021 via Fiberby’s webshop or by telephone. Use the code: Godthåbshave.

Internet subscription with Fiberby is only a relationship between subscriber and Fiberby, which is why the subscriber must always contact Fiberby for his subscription and his internet connection.

Free centrifuge
The Board would like to remind that it is possible to centrifuge for free on program 9 on the washing machines in the laundries.

This arrangement was established in connection with a previous Board decided to phase out the stand-alone centrifuges. The last centrifuge in laundry 2 of originally a total of 3 has now been dismantled and removed.

Registration of amendments to the articles of association
The general meeting in 2019 approved a number of amendments to the articles of association.
AMH EjendomsInvest ApS, which owns the commercial apartments on Godthåbsvej, has sued the Owners’ Association with a claim that an amendment to Article 23.4 of the Articles of Association is invalid if the Land Registry Court accepts the amendment to the Articles of Association. The Registry Court has registered the amendments to the articles of association, as adopted at the general meetings 4/4 2019 and 5/13 2019. For procedural reasons, the COURT OF FREDERIKSBERG has ruled in conventions, which is why the Board chooses to cancel amendment of Article 23.4 of the Articles of Association.
When the cancellation has taken place, the written articles of association are sent to the members.

Balcony project
In the previous newsletter, the working committee for the balcony project called for efforts to contribute to the progress of the work. The Board has received a number of inquiries, and people have been invited to an involvement meeting at the beginning of December this year.

Christmas holidays
The Caretakers can be met at the usual times on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between Christmas and New Year.

The Christmas days are typically a holiday for burglary. Therefore, the Board will encourage everyone to pay extra attention to any irregularities in stairwells and other common areas.

The Board wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The next board meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2021.

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